Pictography in fresco on lime "Essential" category. Hand retouched with oxide-based earths. Made on the base while still fresh for exceptional durability. Working with magnifying glass, hot chalk reliefs, gilding in pure gold leaf. Gold leaf gilding.
The "School of Athens" is a fresco by Raphael Sanzio, located in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican's Apostolic Palaces, part of the Vatican Museums itinerary. Considered to be one of Raphael's most important works, it celebrates rational inquiry, in contrast to the "Dispute," which exalts revealed truth. The fresco depicts an imaginary scene in a classical building, with ancient philosophers and mathematicians on two floors, separated by a staircase. In the center are Plato and Aristotle, surrounded by other thinkers. The fresco's iconic representation enhances the philosophical and scientific research of antiquity, in a classical, perspective context.
Raffaello, School of Athens