About Us
Bottega Tifernate has been reproducing ancient and modern paintings since 1995
Bottega Tifernate is a modern artisan workshop located in Umbria, in Città di Castello. The latter was once a Roman colony and was called Tifernum Tiberinum, from which the Bottega takes its name. The city was a very important center of the Renaissance, thanks to the Vitelli family, which called to court the greatest writers, poets and painters, first of all Raphael: it is precisely on his works that we have based all our studies and work.
Our mission is to recreate the essence of a painting: that is, it is not to make a copy that is aesthetically equal to the original, but to recreate the emotion one feels in front of it. In order to be able to do this, every time we make a work, we must first study its colors, the type of support, the chalkwork, and understand the magic that makes us admire it with amazement so many centuries after its execution. This is what sets us apart from others, a continuous and uninterrupted journey to grasp the deepest secrets of the great artists of the past.